Bag And Remove in Cymru

The BARC (Bag And Remove in Cymru) Project established in 2013 aims to:
Assess the UK prevalence of common soil parasites, focusing on Toxocara spp. in particular
Determine whether parasite contamination levels can be reduced by anti-dog fouling campaigns
Increase public awareness of the negative effects of dog fouling on the environment and to mankind.
This successful undergraduate research programme is based at Cardiff University within the CRIPES (Cardiff Research into Infection and Parasites in Ecological Systems) research group.
We collect and analyse soil samples in order to determine the distribution of parasites, including Toxocara species. We hope to raise public awareness of these parasites and the detrimental effects that they have on pet health, wildlife and human health.
Have a look at our map to see whether BARC has found where you live to be a Toxocara positive site! Not on the map and want to help? Be a part of BARC or contact us to help us collect samples.