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Click here to download our BARC questionnaire 



Sampling the UK is a tall order so we rely on the help of volunteers to collect a wide variety of soil samples. Collection of soil samples by volunteers is crucial as it allows BARC to analyse a large number of sites within the UK. Every sample collected by a volunteer brings BARC one step closer to determining the distribution of Toxocara spp. in the UK.






Find a public park, garden or green space and collect four soil samples, each of ~50g. Then fill out this simple questionnaire and return with your samples. The questionnaire can be manually delivered or electronically emailed to us. Once you have collected your samples in separate bags you can leave them in a cool, dry space such as a garage or shed or even the boot of a car, until you can get them to us.


If you collect from more than one site make sure you keep each sample separately and fill out a questionnaire for each site. The whole process should take no longer than 30 min for each site. 


Once you have collected your samples please contact us via the form below to arrange dropping off or collection of samples. 







        CONTACT US

If you want to find out more about helping BARC or have any queries please fill in the form below to send your query straight to the BARC team.

Your query has been sent. A member of BARC will get back to you shortly.

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